2020–2021 Teacher Grant Winners
Congratulations to all of the educators who received teacher grants. Teacher grants are for use in the classroom and will allow teachers to provide an enhanced learning experience for their students.
Teacher Grant Winners
Northern Cabria Elementary and Middle School teacher Heather Hartmann receives a $700 check from Superintendent Bob Rocco.

Graphic arts teacher Patrick Lauletta and computer systems technology teacher Colin Kolb, along with Principal Mike Brooks and CTE Director Lisa McNamara, gratefully accept a $2,000 educator grant from the Pennsylvania Association of Rural and Small Schools. The grant, along with matching funds from an anonymous donor, goes toward launching a drone certification program for students. Thank you, PARSS, for supporting student success at Octorara Jr. Sr. High School!

Superintendent Bill Vonada presents the check from the PARSS grant to the recipients. From left to right: Dan O’Brien, Colin Milne, Zack Bedee, and Bill Vonada. Not pictured: Gayle Mitchell. (photograph by Ava Fischer)

Superintendent Bill Vonada stands with the recipients of the PARSS grant. From left to right: Dan O’Brien, Colin Milne, Zack Bedee, and Bill Vonada. Not pictured: Gayle Mitchell. (photograph by Ava Fischer)

Rebecca Conner, a technology education teacher and a STEM champions who works with the STEM studio, STEM interns, and the Pennsylvania governor's STEM school, receives a check from PARSS.

The Warren County Career Center (WCCC) Machine Technology Program of Study has received a $4,456.00 grant through the efforts of the Pennsylvania Association of Rural and Small Schools (PARSS). Grant funds will be used to purchase tooling and other equipment to support the CNC machinery used in student instruction. Please see the Warren County Career Center (WCCC) Machine Technology Program of Study press release for more information.
Pictured from left to right: Colton Black, precision machine technology instructor for the WCCC and Hunter Gourley, a senior student in the machine technology program. Both are seen with some of the tooling purchased with the PARSS grant funds.

Superintendent Dr. G. Brian Toth of the St. Mary's Area School District presents a check to Brenton Rieger. Brenton Rieger on left, and Dr. Toth is on the right.

Forest Area presentation of the grant check. Amanda Hetrick is on the left, and Luke Alex is on the right.

Thomas J. Samosky, superintendent, presents a check to Dustin Thompson, Dassa McKinney principal and Kimberley McBryar, Dassa McKinney STREAM technology teacher (the R is for reading).

Bill Henderson presents a check to John Malone for his grant received from the PARSS organization.